Read Alouds

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Diverse Read Alouds and Activities

We know that children’s books can act like both mirrors and windows on the world. Mirrors in that they can reflect on children’s own lives, and windows in that they can give children a chance to learn about someone else’s life. We also know that this type of self-reflection and opportunity to read or hear about different lives is essential for young people.

Book Study 1

Day 1: Explore the Story

Click here for "Lost and Found Cat: The True Story of Kunkush's Incredible Journey"
When an Iraqi family is forced to flee their home, they can't bear to leave their cat behind! But during the crowded boat ride to Greece, his carrier breaks and he gets lost. Listen to the story of Kunkush's incredibly journey and how he gets reunited with his family!

Then, CLICK HERE to meet the author - the person who found Kunkush!

*After Reading - Talk with a family member or write down your thoughts about:

1. What feelings did this book cause for you and why?

2. How is your life the same or different from the family in the story? 

3. How can we use this story to understand others better, 
especially others who may come from a different country?

Day 2: Take Action!

After talking about the book: Take Action! 

There are many ways families and kids can help others in the world, especially families like the ones in the story who are refugees, even if that means just becoming more informed. Below are some resources that your child and your family can refer to in order to "take action"- these resources were pulled and edited from

1. Conversations are important when learning about social issues, such as the refugee crisis. Learn how to talk to your child about these issues by clicking here first!

2. Next, you can choose to do a project as a family to take action! Click here to read about some possibilities.

Book Study 2

Day 1: Explore the Story

Click here for a read aloud of "Maddi's Fridge"
Best friends Sofia and Maddi have many of the same things, but while Sofia's fridge at home is full of nutritious food, the fridge at Maddi's house is empty. Sofia faces a difficult decision when trying to help her friend. This storybook address issues of poverty with honesty and sensitivity, while also instilling important lessons of friendship, empathy, trust and helping others.

*After Reading - Talk with a family member or write down your thoughts about:

1. Why do you think Maddi's fridge is almost empty?

2. What message do you think the author wants us to learn from this story?

3. Have you ever felt like Sophia, where you wanted to help a friend, but didn't know what to do? How so?

Click here for activities from the book provided by Lois Brandt- the author!

Day 2: Take Action! 

As the author, Lois Brandt, says- Childhood hunger is a big problem. The only way we are going to fill empty refrigerators is if ever single person who cares does something right now.

Click here for a message from Kid President about child hunger!

Then, watch this video where other kids share their ideas on how to help.

How can you help fight child hunger? Find at least 1 way! 

If you need more ideas, click here from some ways Lois Brandt has come up with.

Book Study 3

Buy The Remember Balloons Book Online at Low Prices in India | The ...

Day 1: Explore the Story

CLICK HERE for a read aloud of The Remember Balloons!
James' grandpa has the best balloons because he has the best memories! But when grandpa's balloons begin to float away, James is very sad for him. Even though grandpa is loosing balloons, James is gaining them, and it's up to him to share those balloons, one by one.

After Reading, CLICK HERE to watch a video that explains how memories work.

*After Reading - Talk with a family member or write down your thoughts about:

1. What does having a memory mean to you? 

2. What are some of your favorite memories?

3. How does James help his grandpa remember his old balloons? How could you record your own memories for others to learn about?

Day 2: Take Action!

CLICK HERE to listen to the book Wilfred Gordon Partridge McDonald by Mem Fox!

*Memory Project*

1. After reading - think back to the questions you answered from Day 1. 

2. Think about one of your favorite memories with someone in your family. This family member can be someone you live with, or someone who you don't live with.

3. Create a picture for that person illustrating the memory you have with them, and write about why this memory is special to you. Add as much detail to your pictures and words as you can, like Mem Fox!

4. Send the person your memory, and ask them to send you one back! If this person does not live with you, you can mail them your memory! 

Book Study 4

The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest: Cherry ...

Day 1: Explore the Story

Click Here for a read aloud of "The Great Kapok Tree"

After Reading, Click Here to watch SciShow Kids: Explore the Rainforest!

*After Reading - Talk with a family member or write down your thoughts about:

1. What makes the rainforest so special and important?

2. What surprised you about the book or the science video? Why?

3. Does the book or video remind you of something else: another book, a place you've been, something from your own life?

Day 2: Take Action!

Click Here to choose an action to take from this Tic-Tac-Toe board!

Book Study 5

Let's Talk About Race: Lester, Julius, Barbour, Karen ...

Day 1: Explore the Story

Click Here for a read aloud of "Let's Talk About Race"

After the story, Click Here to watch a brief child-friendly video about how we can stop discrimination.

*After Reading - Talk with a family member or write down your thoughts about:

1. What surprised you about this story? Why?

2. What feelings did this story cause you to have? Why?

3. Why do you think it's so important to treat everyone with respect, no matter their race?

Day 2: Take Action!

Conduct an interview with a family member in your house or one who you don't live with.

Watch this video by clicking here to get some tips on how to interview from Kid President!

Next, get your materials ready to conduct the interview! You may want to write down responses, record them using a phone, or just have a conversation! The choice is yours!

Here are some interview questions you can ask:

1. In the book, "Let's Talk About Race", the author says, "I am a story. So are you. So is everyone". Is skin color apart of your story? If so, why or why not?

2. Does being better at a sport make someone a better person than someone else? Why or why not?

3. What does it mean to you to say that everyone is equal?

Additional Read Alouds

Kindergarten Teacher Read Alouds
Would you like to connect with your old Kindergarten teachers? Click Here to Listen to Stories Read by the Kdg. Team!

Authors & Illustrators on YouTube
Check out this link where authors and illustrators post their read alouds to YouTube and have follow-up activities! Click here to see real authors and illustrators!

Storyline Online
This website contains quality books that are read by celebrities! Click here to access Storyline Online!

Check out these Reading Response Sheets below! 
They help build not only reading comprehension skills, but help build writing skills as well! Pick a reader's response sheet from the packet to fill out for a read aloud.

Here is what you need to do:
1. You can make a copy of the slides and save them into
 your own google drive to fill out.
2. You can print them and fill them out at home.

Click through the slides below!